

2024, January 2nd - Brad Sondahl

January 2, 2024 meeting (at Fire Hall)

Present: Carol Ferguson, Brad Sondahl, Marc Kroetch, Mitzi Michaud, Karen Carpenter, Becky Demers, Charlene Phipps, Mandy and Colin Conway, Althea Sondahl

Introductions and member news:

Brad Sondahl: Sondahl Pottery has been doing very well for the last 3 years.

Marc Kroetch: His building is full of renters He is staying in the area for this winter. May reopen a bike shop behind the building this spring to service ebikes.

Karen Carpenter: Carpenter Insurance has had a strong end of year, she is excited to meet new customers and opportunities.

Mitzi Michaud: Parks and rec’s slow season is over, lots of sports starting up this week.

Charlene Phipps: She will be sworn in January 9 to City Council, is here to get in touch with the Chamber community.

Becky Demers: Her family has a farm on Nash Road. They have specialty Michan pigs—it’s called Foxadoodle Farm 7070 West Nash. They also own properties in town (including a lot next to the VFW hall). She is here to talk about the Urban Renewal District. They need 2 new members for the urban renewal district commission. Currently they still have a projected $650,000 open for use since the well the city requested the money for can not be ready by the end of 2025 deadline. They are looking for publicly visible projects, like the Woolen Brown building, or a new skate park as examples. In 2026 another 10 year extension to the URD will start. Fireside Park was obtained and completed with urban renewal funds, and is still technically owned by the agency.

Mandy and Colin Conway– Sedlmayers., Thanksgiving was busy, On Christmas eve had acoustic music to accompany dinner. They were fully booked for New Years Eve with Bill Bozly doing music. There will be a 7 course Sushi pairing meal Jan. 10th. Sushi chef is coming from Sandpoint, and all proceeds will go towards his upcoming medical bills… There will also be a Sushi Sensei in the Spring—roll your own… And another murder mystery in the spring

Abby is doing doing paint nights 3rd Wednesdays—next one is January 17th $30 per session including materials. 208 819 4370 to reserve. Winter hours are Thurs- Friday 4-8 and Sat- Sun 12-8

Carol Ferguson Library going well–Chess club meets today at 3:30.

Althea Sondahl Historical Preservation minutes will now will be posted on the city website. The duputy clerk Taylor can add city events onto the city calendar… State Preservation officers met the with mayor and staff, as well as toured the museum and downtown. If our local government has a certified historical preservation committee, it will help getting grants from the state… Although the museum is closed for the winter, local artists may use the museum for painting. The Heritage academy is also developing an association with the museum.

Treasurer’s report:

Mona is gone for the start of fit and fallproof this morning at the Comm. Center.

Income in December: member fees: $1210 +$700

Expenses: Outdoor Expo $1010

$2 paper bill fee

Current balance 1404.,68

NITA second half of $563.86 and $375 insurance are due this month

Outdoor Show in Spokane Feb 24-5 Marc will set it up need volunteers for 4 hour shifts Saturday and Sunday Contact Carol if available to help. Brad, Carol, and Mona will be available Saturday. Brad may help watch and take down on Sunday…

New members list for an insert is needed…

Mitzi reported on the Outhouse races Feb. 3 –registration at 11 and check-in

There will be People’s choice for outhouses from 11-12.

Races start at noon. There will be activities for the kids and warm up fires. It was pointed out they could use a break between races. There was talk of a need for safety bar or helmets for riders… A flyer will be sent out to the schools.

The need for a sign to publicize events was discussed, but without a willing location we’re currently stymied…

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Membership Info

Spirit Lake
Idaho, 83869

(208) 428-1908

P.O. Box 772,
Spirit Lake,
ID 83869

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