

2023, October 3rd - Brad Sondahl

Oct. 3 2023 Spirit Lake Chamber meeting:

Present: Mona Stafford, Carol Ferguson, Brad Sondahl, Colin Conway, Debbie Carpenter, Karen Carpenter, Lynn Pasloe, Lisa Arnold, Shynne Price, Mitzi Michaud, Althea Sondahl , Kyle Bowlby

Meeting started at 8.02 Community News:

Carol Ferguson. Spirit Lake Library had a Fairy house building session, which was fully attended, and may plan a repeat due to demand. Trunk or Treat there will be from 5-7 a craft and costume party at the Library.

Debbie Carpenter SL Fire Chief: Enjoying the current abatement of fire danger. Residents still need permits for burn piles before Oct. 20th. They are available through the Fire Station. October is Fire safety month.

Karen Carpenter (Farmers Insurance). It’s good practice to check furnaces, fire extinguishers, and chimneys.

Lynn Pasloe (Lakeland Schools)deferred to:

Supt. Lisa Arnold The schools had a great first month. October is the great shakeout –earthquake drill this month.

Shynne Price New carpeting and new playground for elementary schools this year, kids love the new equipment.

Mitzi Michaud Trunk or Treat will be on Maine St Oct. 28th 6-8 pm—trunks preregister by Oct. 26th

Registration due soon for winter sports, coed volleyball is planned before Thanksgiving… Mitzi now has a second job at Figpickles toy shop in CDA. She said the Retrofit Turkey Trot will benefit Parks and rec towards a pitching machine for tiny tot baseball.

Althea Sondahl Historical Society Museum is still open Saturdays 1-4 through October. Halloween evening will be giving candy and having music in the parking lot with the Lutheran Church. Through the very successful ice cream social on Labor Day we learned of a Bing Crosby record that refers to Sedlmayers.

Colin Conway The first pairing meal will be Oct. 11Th a 7 course French meal with French wines. Duck L’orange, Lobster bisque $95-100 per person. On Oct 25 there will be a murder mystery with a vampire theme. Off season hours are Thursday- Friday 4-8 and Saturday 12-8

Kyle Bowlby This is his first time at the Chamber. He is the chef at the Hideaway Cafe (next to the Whitehorse Hotel), he is also running for city council. He grew up in Spirit Lake, but spent time in Spokane learning quality cuisine. He has been back here for 2 ½ years. He said the Whitehorse is changing its look, the restaurant has gone back to a classic look. Open 7AM to NOON FRI and SAT, SUN 7 to 1PM They are getting many rave reviews. New menu is underway. Kyle cooked the employee dinner for Sedlmayers. He has been helping with movie night in the park with Parks and Rec.

Brad Sondahl We have been enjoying a two week intern who is learning and helping at the pottery.

Mona Stafford There was a packed house for a corn bread, chili, and pie contest last weekend. All ages were involved. The new Spirit Lake Community Coalition of local groups involved with feeding the community, includes Cup of Grace, Valley and SL Food Banks, and the Comm. Center.. A single form for Thanksgiving and Christmas available at those locations. Food will be distributed from Cup of Grace– They still need turkeys and hams… There is now a Retrofit class Fridays –exercise to music $3 charge. There will also be a Fit and Fall program to help keep in balance.

Minutes: Colin moved, Karen seconded to approve Sept. minutes. Passed

Treasurer’s report

$160 went to Marc for some outstanding bills.

$95 Aseptic for trail Portapotties

$102 Fresh aire for other old bills.

Carol was reimbursed for postal bill of $26.40

General fund balance $1869.04

Trail Fund $1806.59

There will be a Meet the Candidate night for city council candidates Oct. 24 6:30-7:30 at Comm. Center

You’re invited to Email questions which may get used by the moderator—send to Carol

NITA: Outdoor Brooke will be here promoting fall travel to our area Oct. 12. Schedule:

8 Coffee at Brickel Creek. Morning hiking Empire Trails. Noon/afternoon canoeing with Brad Sondahl. Evening camping eating at Sedlmayers. Possible breakfast at Hideaway Friday. Here are some links for Brooke

Nov. Chamber meeting the comm. Center is closed for voting. We will meet at the Fire Dept. Kyle offered to bring coffee.

Getting to know your town. Mona and Carol checked with downtown businesses, and suggested a Scavenger hunt/treasure hunt. Mitzi recommended a Photo scavenger—take a picture of yourself by an item at each business. Colin suggested it should not be timed, as it leads to blitzes. Carol talked to businesses, felt we should include home businesses also It was suggested one could check business licenses list for participants. Nov. 4 2-4 pm suggested as a time and date. Mizi and Kyle offered to help with it.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:42

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Spirit Lake
Idaho, 83869

(208) 428-1908

P.O. Box 772,
Spirit Lake,
ID 83869

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